From time to time I dream about famous people as I'm sure everyone does. This time is just happened to be Bill Murray, or more specifically his character from 'Lost In Translation'...
I was on my way home from work when my car starts making this awful knocking noise (just had to get a new tire so that part comes from real life). I make it home OK and call the mechanics to see what they think is wrong with my car and how much it will cost, etc. They tell me I have to bring my car in a.s.a.p. before the tires fall off (glad that didn't happen in real life!) but I cannot drive the car there, I have to have it shipped there.
I call a delivery service and a man (dressed in a UPS uniform) comes and covers my car in plastic wrap. He then picks it up with his bare hands, puts it in the back of his truck and away he goes. I'm standing on my porch watching the UPS truck drive away when I remember that for some reason the mechanics can't work on my car unless I'm at the shop and I really need my car finished that day so I can get to work the next day. Frantically I start calling everyone I know to see if they can give me a ride but no one answers the phone.
Suddenly Bill Murray turns the corner onto my block and starts leisurely walking towards my house. He can hear me making call after call, leaving frantic messages for someone to drive me to work and he stops in front of my house, waiting for me to finish making calls.
When I finally put my phone away-still with no ride to the mechanics-he says hello then suggests that I take the train with him to the mechanics since he's headed there himself (there is obviously not a passenger train that runs through East Detroit and if there were Bill Murray wouldn't be on it but this is a dream, after all). I realize it's my only option and Bill seems like a nice guy so I walk with him to the train.
It doesn't take long, we're just instantly there. From the outside it looks like an ordinary train but when we get inside the passenger car it's very small and looks more like the inside of an elevator instead of a train, it even has polished brass bars on the walls to hang onto. The elevator-train doors slide closed and Bill and I are the only ones in the car. He warns me that this is the super express train and that we'll be traveling so fast I'll be able to feel g-forces pushing me back towards the walls.
The train starts to move and it seems OK to me at first but I can tell we are picking up speed very quickly and soon I'm pressed against the far wall and can't move (kind of like the centrifugal force ride at amusement parks that spin around until you're stuck to the sides). I'm distracted by the train ride so I don't notice Bill at first. When I do remember that he's there I look to check on him.
He's crouched in the corner with both hands grasping one of the brass bars as if he's hanging on for his very life. His eyes are squeezed shut and I can't tell if he's crying but I can hear him making scared, pathetic, whimpering sounds...then I wake up.