Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The St. Patty's Day Party/ER nap dream

So I had this dream today (St. Patrick's Day obviously) after I got home from taking a co-worker to the ER...

It's St. Patrick's Day and I go to this huge party being thrown at my old high school (I'm not sure if I'm my real age during this dream or if I'm in my teens but all the people in my dream are real people from roseville high school when I went there). I arrive late because of work and I'm one of the few people still sober and not wearing green and EVERYONE notices. I wonder the party for a while but out in the hallways it's just chaotic so I decide to check out the gym.

In the gym the bleachers are pulled out and there's a large projection screen pulled down on which movies are being played (I think the movie Summer School with Kirstie Alley was on but I can't be sure). The audience in the bleachers were so roudy and loud that no one could hear the movie but everyone was too busy partying to mind.

Above the bleachers is a balcony with more seating so I head up there and run into a bunch of friends (people that in real life I haven't seen since I left school but in my dream we still know each other). It was a large group (most of which I doubt even knew each other and definitely did not hang out together in school) and not everyone noticed I was there but the few that did-Steve B., Doug D., Randy B. and Dave K.-came up to me right away offering me green beer and drunken, sloppy hugs.

We talk and joke around for a few minutes and I'm having a great time. Someone puts music on over the p.a. and people start dancing. The song is "Come On Eileen" and as soon as it starts two other people in the group-Luke B. and Len. K.-start cheering and dancing (skanking actually). They are dancing around the circle, getting faster as they go, when all of a sudden one of the trips and falls into Dave who falls into Steve, knocking him over the railing of the balcony and into the bleachers below.

There's a lot of screaming and hysteria but finally Steve gets up, he's alive and pretty much ok but thinks he broke some ribs and needs to go to the hospital. I'm the sober-ist one there so I volunteer to drive and Dave and some of the others decide to come along because I'm driving the beige '89 dodge ram full-size van I drove when I 1st got my license.

We take him to the ER and though it takes about an hour Steve is finally released with a few bruised ribs but nothing broken. He's on good pain meds and ready to get back to the party so we all head back.

By now the sun has gone down, it's at least 9pm and the party is well under way. I pull into the parking lot which is packed with people and everyone get's out of the car to get back to the party faster while I try to find a parking spot (typical!). I finally get parked and start making my way through the parking lot.

Along the way I pass a huge half pike (I think that's what skate board ramps are called) and stop to watch. Mike C. is on it performing tricks and I cheer him on for a bit. Just as I turn to go inside I hear more screaming and hysteria. I turn around and everyone is gathered at the center of the ramp. In the middle of the group I can hear Mike whimpering in pain.

The crowd is too thick to get through so I watch as two guys-Nick M. and Rob. S.-prob Mike between their shoulders and start to carry him through the parking lot. Mike is in a lot of pain and as they get closer I can see that his shin is broken and actually bent. It grosses me out but of course I can't look away.

They finally get to the car they place to drive and it was a small geo metro. I watched for a minute as they tried to get Mike in the car but every time they tried he would bump his broken leg and cry out in pain. I decided that we should take my van instead since he could lay out on the back bench so we loaded him in the car and I started making our way out of the parking lot (again).

I don't know why but for some reason Mike wasn't laying on the back bench like I suggested but in one of the captain's chair directly behind us. Just as we were turning out of the parking lot I hit a pothole. The bump must have jarred his leg because he screamed out in pain and then started making whimpering noises again.

Nick turned around to check on him and then said "uh oh". I started to ask him why he said that but before I could finish the sentence Mike puked all over the floor between mine and Nick's seats. I pulled over to try and clean it up but it smelled like rotten eggs and sour kraut and was all white and chunky. Though I normally don't get nauseous at the sight of vomit but this was particularly bad and I couldn't take it.

I went behind the back of the van and threw up. I took a minute to collect myself and then went to go clean up the puke but by the time I was ready to do it, Nick had cleaned most of it up by scooping it into a take out container. I tossed the container out of the car and then started on the way back to the hospital.

Mike was starting to calm down and feel better and the three of us were talking and cracking jokes, then I woke up.

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