Monday, February 23, 2009

pod people (really)

Ok, so the last few days I've had a couple stupid dreams, nothing interesting enough to blog-figures! After I decided to start writing them down then they start getting more boring! But this morning I had a dream that's just wierd enough to share.

I was going on vacation with my sister Stacie, Jake, his mom Janet and my friend Jennylee. We were all staying together in a resort that rented cottages in the middle of some farmland. All of the cottages looked exactly the same-red wood panelling on the outside, dirt driveways and shabby 70's furniture on the inside.

Even though there were a bunch of cottages available for rent, we were the only people there. It was early in the afternoon and it was a nice sunny day so I decided to walk up to the corner store to get something for lunch. The cottages were on a long dirt road lined with trees that led out of the resort area and into a rural residential area. After I passed by all of the unrented cottages I started walking past normal houses. At first everything seemed normal but after a while I realized that there was no one around. Even though some of the houses had cars in the driveways it was totally deserted, no people, no animals, not even the sound of wild birds chirping in the trees just total silence.

It was strange and I was scared by it but I was almost to the store so I decided to just buy our lunches and then call and have someone come pick me up and drive me back to the cottage. I finally reached the end of the dirt road and turned the corner into the parking lot of the foodmart. Across from it was a huge empty field and in the middle of it I could see long, twisting metal pillars that were at least a mile high. I thought they looked strange but I figured they were electricity or cell phone towers and walked quickly towards the store.

The door was unlocked but none of the lights were on and it was also deserted. The shelves were empty and everything in the coolers had rotten. I was completely freaked out and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible but I also didn't want to walk all the way back to the cottage alone so I went behind the counter to call the cottage. Stacie answered the phone and I quickly told her what I'd seen. She said she was going to send Janet to come get me but that I needed to try and find some food because we hadn't brought anything with us, all they had was tap water.

I hung up the phone and searched the store again but there was nothing edible to be found so I went back outside to wait for Janet. I was sitting on the ground next to an empty ice cooler because it was the only shaded place when I saw something moving way off in the distance near one of the tall pillars. I squinted and could barely make out that it was a person. I watched as the person walked right up to one of the pillars and then seemed to vanish.

Now I was curious. I knew I should just stay and wait for Janet but I still needed to find some food for everyone and I really wanted to know what the pillars were for. It took about 10 minutes to cross the field and get to the nearest piller. There were a bunch of them stretching off into the distance and as I got closer I could see that each pillar was connected at the top to a large silver dome and that the pillers were actually shiney metal escalators leading up to the pods.

It looked safe enough and I knew there was at least one other person up there so I decided to just go up. Even though it was very high up it didn't take long to reach the pod. As I neared the top I started to hear the sound of lots of people talking.

A large domed, circular room came into view. It looked like the inside of a shopping mall, or maybe an airport. There were large windows, potted plants arranged around small lounge areas and several stores. It looked normal but there was something about it I didn't like. It smelled sterile, like a hospital and everything was to clean and precise. Everyone was wearing bright colored clothes that were perfectly pressed, no wrinkles or stains and no one had a hair out of place. I felt very self concious in my dusty black t-shirt and jeans and my hair loose around my shoulders.

I didn't look anyone in the eye as I walked as made my way through the large room. I could see a bookstore and some clothing stores, each with their merchandise displayed so precisely it was like they measured the spaces in between each book or hanger. At the opposite end of the room was a grocery store and I walked towards it as quickly as I could without feeling like I was attracting attention.

Finally inside I breathed I sigh of relief. Just inside the door was a stand of shopping baskets, I picked one up and started shopping. All the food seemed normal and familier with recognizable lables and it didn't take me long to fill up my basket. Feeling much safer I headed towards the front of the store to the cashier station. There was a tall blonde woman in line in front of me. She stared at me for an uncomfortabley long time but she eventually turned around and emptied her groceries onto the conveyer.

I was barely paying attention because the blonde's stare had unnerved me but I as I started to unload my own groceries I realized that though they were scanning her food and bagging it up for her there were no prices popping up on the monitor and when everything had been scanned and bagged the blonde left without paying. Unsure what to do I just tryed to act normal.

The cashier, another very tall woman with fire red hair, didn't say anything to me as she scanned my items, she just stared at me the same way the blonde had. After she scanned and bagged the last item I stood there waiting for her to say something. She didn't so I grabbed up my bags and told her to have a nice day. I don't know why I said it, I was nervous and just wanted to get out of there.

Something about what I'd said set her off. She screamed at me to stay where I was and then grabbed a phone and over the loud speaker I heard her voice calling for security. Panicked I bolted out of the store and ran towards the escalators. I was almost there when I saw my friend Jennylee. She looked almost exactly the same except I could tell it wasn't her. Her hair was pulled up in a perfect french twist and her clothes were too neat. She laughed when she saw me and asked why I looked so scared, the store just wanted to give me a prize for being their millionth customer.

I pushed past her and jumped onto the escalator, running full speed down it. As I ran I could see other people I recognized but that didn't look like themselves. I saw my other sister Lisa and some friends from work, all of them neat and tidy and scary. They all just smiled and laughed, teling me to calm down, that everything was ok as they chased after me trying to grab onto my shirt or hair.

I don't know how but I managed to make it back onto the ground. It was nighttime now, though not enough time had passed for the sun to have set already. I ran through the field towards the store, the familier voices of people I didn't know anymore following after me on the air. I scrambled through the parking lot and onto the dirt road, in the nearest yard was a large lilac bush. I dove inside the bush and collapsed on the ground panting.

For a while I could hear the voices but they eventually died off and when it had been quiet for nearly an hour I risked leaving my hiding spot. It was pitch black down the dirt road and I walked slowly so I didn't make too much noise. I was halfway back to the cottage when I saw the car parked on the side of the road. I recognized it as the car we'd driven to the cottage, Jake's old silver Cutlass Salon.

I crept up to the car and behind the wheel I could see Janet, asleep in the driver's seat. She was wearing an old pink sweater and black pants, the same outfit she wearing ealier that day so I knew she was safe. I tapped on the window to wake her up. She let me in the car and asked me where I'd been, explaining that she didn't want to go back to the cabin without me because Jake and Stacie would've been furious at her. I tried to explain everything to her but she didn't believe me, she thought that I'd been drinking and passed out and dreamed it all.

She turned on the car and we started heading back to the cottage. We'd been driving for a few minutes and I was so relieved to find a normal person that I didn't realize she'd passed the turnoff for the resort. I told her we passed it by so she pulled into a driveway to turn around. We drove for another few minutes and she passed the turnoff again.

I laughed because I didn't want to make her feel bad and she turned the car around again. I didn't want to keep driving up and down the dirt road because it could tip off the pod-people to where we were but for some reason Janet kept missing the turn off. Finally I had her pull over so I could drive and we made it back to the cottage, by this time the sun was coming up.

I passed up our cottage because they all looked so similar but I finally found the right driveway, pulled the car in and parked. Then I woke up.

Can someone tell me what the hell that dream is supposed to mean?


  1. Hey Cyndy. It's Nicole. I go by Eve on here though. Didn't know you had a Blogger. I actually have 2. Check 'em out sometime. Hope you're doing ok. Take care~
