Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hello and Welcome

I'm not crazy, at least I don't think I am. But, I do think I have a special gift.

I dream...A LOT.

Almost every day I wake up and I remember a dream from the night before. Not that big a deal, everyone dreams, it's nothing special I know. But, I like to have what I call Stephen King dreams.

I call them this because anyone who had ever read one of his books knows that (no disrespect SK-I think your a great writer, I could only wish to be as talented as you!) his books can sometimes get bogged down by the exact descrption of every minute detail. It can get a little tedious to get through but if you can your always rewarded with a good story and well developed characters.

But back to the point, this is how I dream; in technicolor with every single insignificant detail blaring out at me from the color of carpeting to the strange patterns I see in wood panelling, NO...I'm not joking or lying, I really, truly, dream this way almost every day.

I try to tell my dreams to people but I usually can't get them out quickly enough or (gulp) interestingly enough for my listeners to pay attention for long. So, instead of torturing my friends with my ever stranger night tales I've decided to post them in this blog.

This way, whenever I have a dream that I think is to fantastic NOT to be shared and forgotten eventually, I don't have to tie people down so they can listen to me recite it. I can post it here where anyone (or no one) can read it if they choose. I can just let it go and move on with my day. I hope that you are somewhat entertained by them, I know I am.

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