Thursday, February 19, 2009


I seem to dream about Zombies a lot. I am a horror movie fan and a fan of Zombie movies in particular so this may explain why I dream about them so frequently. This is my latest Zombie dream from 2/16/09:

I dreamt that my family and friends were all living in my grandma's house in Redford Twp. I don’t know how it happened but suddenly zombies were attacking us. A bunch of people were killed off right away, most of my friends and all of my family. We'd been sitting outside (my grandma's house had a huge backyard with a large in-ground swimming pool) enjoying a nice sunny summer day. There are lots of shade trees and a few tables set up underneath them and off to the side a few swings tied to the larger branches of a big oak tree.

The back of the yard connects to the yards of a few houses behind my grandma's house and this is how the Zombie's get to us. Some biker neighbors (people I’ve never met or seen in real life, just creations of my imagination) came running into the yard ahead of the Zombies and only managed to escape them because everyone who was sitting at the tables became easier targets for the Zombies to kill.

Those of us who were closest to the house (me, my boyfriend Jake and his dad Nick) were the only one's to survive along with the biker neighbors, about 6 people in total. The bikers were very nasty and tried to dominate me, Jake and Nick, saying that they outnumbered us and that we had to do what they said. I was also the only female from the group left alive at this point and it was very tense because I knew that they wanted me alive so they could rape me later.

The bikers had all the guns so we were forced to follow them around, basically as hostages and zombie fodder. we were lucky that the zombies didn’t seem to know we were in the house and I thought the best thing to do would be to board up all the windows and doors on the 1st floor and basement, sealing them off and just using the second level (even though in real life grandma's house didn't have a second level, just ground level and basement).

The second level was basically just an attick that was divided into one large bedroom that had outside access and a small storage closet that didn't have floor boards, just plywood over the beams to store boxes on. There was a small patio off of the bedroom that had a railing around it that led to stairs that ran along the side of the house. This way someone could get directly to the 2nd level without having to walk through the lower level of the house.

I suggested that we destroy the outside stairs so zombies couldn't climb up them and when we needed to we could get up and down from the patio by using an emergency rope ladder that I just happened to have found in the storage closet. But the lead biker-a very large, ugly man in a worn, black leather jacket-didn’t like my plan.

He thought the sound of us destroying the stairs would just attract the zombies faster and that maneuvering on the rope ladder would be too difficult. He said it would just be easier seal off the upper level and concentrate on guarding the ground and basement levels. The other bikers were too afraid to disagree with the lead biker so we all went back downstairs to the main level.

Nick and Jake were trying to not cause trouble so they went quietly but I knew that the lead biker was making a mistake. It would be easier to defend one room higher off the ground than all the windows and doors in all three of the bedrooms, the bathroom, the kitchen, dining room and breezeway on the main level. I kept arguing with him as quietly as possible but he was getting more and more pissed because he didn't like me telling him he was wrong.

I kept insisting on my plan because I’d read the zombie survival guide and knew what we should do. The lead biker finally had enough arguing and he hit me to get me to shut up. We were in a narrow hallway just off the stairs that led to the 2nd level inside the house and when he hit me I fell hard against the wall and a zombie outside heard the thud. It came crashing through a window but luckily for me I was still on the ground and it didn’t see me, instead it went straight for the lead biker.

The hallway was very tight and the zombie too fast. It grabbed the lead biker by the shoulders and clamped onto his throat before he could grab the shotgun he had strapped to his back. I screamed and somehow managed to bolt around the zombie and the screaming lead biker to the other side of the hallway where the rest of the group was watching in horror. I grabbed the lead bikers shot gun and ripped it out of it's holster as I ran and we all scrambled back towards the stairs to the upper level.

Along the way another biker-this one wearing a red plaid shirt-was being stalked by another zombie who'd followed the 1st in through the borken window. He was walking backwards going the opposite way down the hall from us, using a chair to try and keep the Zombie at bay but I could tell he was going to lose. I tried shooting the 1st zombie in the head as it started to eat the lead biker but my aim was terrible and I wasted all except one of my shotgun shells on it before I finally killed it. The remaining bikers, Jake, Nick and I finally made it back upstairs.

Since there was all the commotion of the biker in the plaid shirt being slowly eaten alive by the 2nd Zombie going on below us it was the perfect time to destroy the outside stairs off of the patio. Jake found an axe in the closet and he chopped the stairs until they crumbled into bits and fell away from the patio. We took the plywood from the storage area and rigged it up against the railing on the patio so that the zombies couldn't see the patio and also so they wouldn't be able to jump and grab the railing and pull themselves up onto it. We also boarded up all the windows on the second level and made sure the door leading downstairs was secure then we all collapsed on the floor for a few hours rest.

I woke up very early the in the morning before the rest of the group. I knew that they wouldn’t want me to try going back downstairs but we only had a couple of guns, hardly any ammo and no food or water. I knew it would be smarter and a lot quieter for just one person to go downstairs and search for supplies so I decided to go by myself before anyone woke up and had the chance to stop me.

In the hallway by the stairs I found what was left of the lead biker’s body. I carefully searched it and found a pocket knife, a hand gun and some bullets for it. I also took the keys to his bike, just in case. Being as quiet as I could I make my way into the living room which was just off the hallway. There's a long short coffee table in the living room that I use to seal off the window in the hallway that had been broken by the zombies.

I barricade the rest of the windows in the house using tables, dressers-anything that would be hard to break with bare hands and that wasn't see-thru. This took about an hour and when I finally felt like the ground floor was secure I went to check on the basement.

I was tense because I hadn't come across any zombies yet and I was pretty sure the zombie that had killed the lead biker wouldn't have left the house. I crept as quietly as I could down the basement stairs with no light. I got to the main area, it was finished with wood paneled walls and forest green carpet. It was a play room at one point in time but was now filled with boxes of decorations and momentos. I still didn’t see any zombies. In the corner I saw a large duffel bag so I grabbed it to carry supplies and started making my way to the back of the basement towards the laudry room.

Just outside the laundry room was a bar. From it I grabbed bottles of alcohol, matches and some random cans of juices, soda and other mixers. The laundry room was separated from the rest of the basement by a door on a swinging hinge. I hadn’t noticed earlier but the door was swaying ever so slightly. I crept up to the door and started to slowly push it open with the barrel of the shotgun.

The door was only open about an inch when I heard a quick shuffling coming towards me from inside the laundry room. I jumped back from the door just as the zombie burst thru it, arms raised and moaning like a dying cow. I wanted to run away but I only had one shell left in the shotgun so I stood my ground, waiting for it to get almost within arms reach before pulling the trigger.

The zombie was a man much taller than me and when I finally took my shot the barrel of the gun was pointed right at his throat. His head blasted off his body and flew apart in mushy pieces like rotten fruit with fireworks in it. I stood there for a while, listening for sounds of movement and waiting for my hands to stop shaking. Luckily, no zombies heard the blast because if they had they would be trying get into the house.

I checked the laundry room but there was no one inside and the only useful item was a half full bottle of bleach. I grabbed it and headed back to the main level. In the kitchen I gathered all the food I could find and sorted it into two piles. Any canned and dry goods went into the duffel bag while anything that was perishable got wrapped in thick vinyl tablecloths that my grandma had used every holiday when we’d gather for dinner here in her house.

I wrapped frozen items first and put those in the bottom of the bag. We still had electricity but I knew it wasn’t going to last much longer. Next I emptied the fridge then carried the now very heavy duffel bag and the garbage bag of food and set them at the end of the hall by the stairs.

I searched the bedrooms and found a few more duffel bags and some plastic mesh beach bags. I took any clothing that I thought would be useful (which wasn’t much since all of my companions were male and my grandma had lived alone) and headed back towards the kitchen, stopping in the dining room along the way to ransack the china cabinet inside.

I found a startlingly large amount of candles and holders, more matches and some lighters that all went into the bags. I also took the silver carving knives and a deck of cards. In the kitchen I emptied the drawers of knives. I also took some durable plastic cups, bowls and plates, some forks and spoons and any durable container that could hold a decent amount of water. The last thing I took was my grandma’s favorite cast iron frying pan and some large pots. I checked the pantry one last time then dropped any full bags at the bottom of the stairs.

Finally I headed thru the breezeway to the garage. It was full of junk, some of it potentially useful, most of it not. I grabbed any candles I could find, a citronella oil lamp and a very large bottle of fuel for it, a large cooler and 2 small Styrofoam coolers. I also found a heavy metal pry bar, some billiard cues, a baseball bat, hockey sticks and some large bolt cutters.

Satisfied I’d gathered enough supplies for now, used the bolt cutters to snip the wires attaching the large springs to the garage door making it more difficult to open. I then piled all the useless junk against the door; in case it was opened, whoever opened it would get buried in a mound of junk and the noise of it falling over would hopefully sound as an alarm. I blockaded the door leading to the backyard with a workbench piled high with junk to weigh it down and then went back to the breezeway.

This area had two large windows that it’d barricaded earlier with the same heavy wooden folding tables we used to eat thanksgiving and christmas dinner at. There was another door that led to the backyard that I locked and barricaded by pushing the the old lime green vlevet couch in front of it. I managed to flip the matching loveseat over onto the couch then set two arm chairs on top of that. There were two large curio cabinets that I used block the door to the garage. Now I was sure that the only way in or out of the house was from the 2nd floor patio.

I dragged all of my gathered supplies up the stairs as quietly as I could so as not to attract more zombies and also because amazingly everyone but me was still asleep. I shoved as much of the perishable food I could into the large cooler then took the two Styrofoam coolers and all the pitchers and large bowls I’d gathered and set them on the patio and on the very edge of the roof to collect rain water. Afterwards I stood out on the patio for a while, looking and listening for zombies but there was no sign of them.

When I went back inside finally the men were starting to wake up. I still had one last thing to collect from downstairs but I’d put it off as long as I could. I tried to sneak downstairs without anyone seeing but Jake noticed and tried to stop me from going. I pointed out that id been all thru the house already by showing him what id gathered but this only made him angrier and by now everyone was awake. I still really needed to collect that last item but none of them wanted anyone to go downstairs. I insisted so finally Jake, Nick and one biker insisted on going with me.

I quietly toured them thru the house, showing them what I’d done to barricade it. If we were overrun with hundreds of zombies they could get in but we were safe from random searches or small group attacks. It was just as important to keep non-zombie humans out because someone fleeing for safety is almost always going to attract zombie attention and if they get in and the zombies know they are in we’d have to abandon my newly reinforced fortress.

After the tour it was time to get the last item. I went to the body of the biker in the plaid shirt and searched it. I found 2 full boxes of shells for the shotgun, another handgun and lots of ammo for it as well. He also had a large hunting knife in a sheath on his belt that I took. The biker who'd insisted on coming to search the house with us-he wore a white long-john shirt with a leather vest over it and leather fingerless gloves-didn’t like me ransacking his dead friends' body but he was smart enough to not argue about it when he saw all the ammo his friend had been hiding from the rest of us. I made sure that Jake and his dad each got one of the handguns I’d found and the ammo for them and I kept the shotgun and shells. We were now as prepared as we could possibly be...

But to bad because that's when I woke up. ALL THAT PREPWORK just to wake up without getting to see a huge battle against the Zombies, what a waste!

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